Wednesday, July 6, 2011

On my (not so) peice of shit car

         I drive a '94 dodge neon (no it doesn't deserve to be uppercase), four door, manual transmission, rolling piece of shit. But something struck me yesterday, i may be taking it for granted, i mean, yeah it burns oil..and leaks oil, it has four bad struts, the turn signals only work when they want to, the engine sounds like a gerbil is trying to escape it using a ball peen hammer, and it has no cd player....or radio for that matter.  But, it still runs, even if barely, i have taken it to Colorado, up the mountain, and back home to Michigan (adding two quarts of oil every 300 miles or so).
        But how can i complain, before the invention of cars we had.....horses, there's no way I'd make a 1,300 mile trip in under 24 hours on a horse. And when i want to go out to the bar or even just to pick up a pack of smokes, i don't have to get my car prepared, no rigging of saddles or reigns, i just turn the key and go, and when i get back, i just walk away from it, no need to wash it down or feed it. Even if it is on the low (LOW) end of luxury automobiles, it's still one of the most advanced modes of transportation available to the public until the invention of the flying car.
        Seriously, just think of what it took to transport a pioneer family out west before the car, you crammed you, your spouse, and 5 children into a wagon, traveled for months across harsh terrain, with Indian attacks, and dysentery killing half of your party. And now if i want to move somewhere on the other side of the country, i get in my "piece of shit" car and arrive at my location in a day or two, depending on how much red bull i can afford.
    Did i mention i only paid $300 dollars for this car, and have yet to put any money into it (besides the oil it chugs) even after something like 5,000 miles of abuse ?
    So next time you complain about how much you hate your car, just remember......Horses.

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